Excessive self promotion or promotion for financial gain is not allowed. Original user made content is allowed.No advertising, selling, buying, trading, or begging for anything.There are other subreddits/websites for this. "Can my PC run it?" posts are not allowed.Discussion or links to jailbreaking / hacking / cheating / fraud / piracy / account trading and sharing / e.t.c.Memes, image macros, reaction gifs and low quality posts are usually not allowed (put some effort into it at least).Spoilers and NSFW posts must be properly marked.Do not post inappropriate language, including but not limited to sex, race, and religion. This includes refraining from posting personal information of others. Do not personally attack other users, and do not "name and shame" specific users or servers with OR without evidence. No witch hunting or calling out other users. Keep it civil and on topic - Posts must be directly related to Battlefield 4.By hitting the scores below, you’ll unlock a number of new weapons and abilities for your vehicles in Battlefield 4 multiplayer. By using vehicles and earning points, you’ll unlock new tech for each vehicle class. Like weapons, vehicles can be upgrade in Battlefield 4 with different technology to help you in battle.

Assault Rifles Weapon UnlockĬomplete “Fang of the Underworld” AssignmentĬomplete “A Trapped Wolf Will” Assignment

Using these weapons will also unlock new scopes, barrels, grips, skins, and other items in Battlefield 4 multiplayer. Starting out with your default weapon in each class, you’ll have the opportunity to earn new guns by hitting the designated scores for each weapon below. Weapons in Battlefield 4 multiplayer are unlocked by score as well. Below you’ll find the score that you need to unlock each item in each Kit for Battlefield 4. Each class has it’s own starting kit, and to open new weapons and gadgets, you must earn points by using the kit in Battlefield 4 multiplayer. Battlefield 4 features four classes in multiplayer, this includes the Assault, Engineer, Support and Recon kit.